OEM | Save With Tuas - Tuas Power

Advisory for Sign-Ups By Small Businesses

  1. Sign-Up Eligibility: To sign up for commercial electricity plans offered by Tuas Power Supply, you must be an active non-domestic utilities account holder with either:
    1. MSSL account(s) if you purchase electricity from another retailer or at wholesale prices from SP or
    2. SP (EBS) account(s) if you purchase electricity at the regulated tariff from SP
    Please visit SP Group to open a utilities account instead if you require electricity supply.
  2. Electricity Prices: Due to changing market conditions, the regulated tariff may be priced lower than us.
    Please check the prevailing regulated tariff and compare prices before signing up.
    More information about the regulated tariff can be found here.
  3. Small Businesses* are allowed to switch back any of their accounts to buy electricity from SP Group at the regulated tariff. You may check your eligibility here.
    *Small Businesses are defined as non-domestic account holders with aggregated average monthly consumption of less than 4,000 kWh calculated across all its active accounts (contestable and non-contestable) registered under the same entity.
  4. Switching to an electricity retailer is not compulsory. There is no deadline for switching. Please take your time to understand your options before making an informed decision.
  5. Switching to an electricity retailer will not affect your electricity supply. SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to you.
  6. If in doubt, please leave your enquiry at our Contact Us page before you proceed with this online application.

By signing, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the above advisory note provided by Tuas Power Supply Pte Ltd before proceeding with this online application.